Cengage Advantage Books: Psychology: Modules for Active Learning (with Concept Modules with Note-Taking and Practice Exams Tearout Cards), Loose Leaf, 12 Edition by Coon, Dennis
Loose Leaf: 12 Edition
Brand New
Publication Date: 2011-01-01
Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
Loose Leaf : 864 pages
Edition: 12 Edition
Author: Coon, Dennis
ISBN-10: 1111342857
ISBN-13: 9781111342852
Product Description PSYCHOLOGY: MODULES FOR ACTIVE LEARNING, Twelfth Edition, the best-selling text by renowned author and educator Dennis Coon and John O. Mitterer, combines the highly effective SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Reflect, Review) active learning system, an engaging style and appealing visuals, and detailed coverage of core topics and cutting-edge research in one remarkable, comprehensive text. Fully updated and reorganized, this edition includes new and revised content, extensive special features, and learning tools integrated throughout the text. While the text provides a thorough introduction to the study of psychology, its modular design and emphasis on how psychology relates to everyday life make it easy for students to explore, enjoy, and ultimately master a wide variety of topics. About the Author Dennis Coon is a publishing phenomenon and one of the best-selling authors in the field of psychology. His innovative instructional methods and student-focused style make his works perennial favorites among instructors and students alike. To date, more than two million students have learned psychology with a Coon text as their guide. Coon graduated with a B.A. in psychology from the University of California, Riverside, and earned his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Arizona. He is also co-author, with John O. Mitterer, of INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY: GATEWAYS TO MIND AND BEHAVIOR, 13th Edition and PSYCHOLOGY: A JOURNEY, 5th Edition. John O. Mitterer holds a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from McMaster University. He has taught psychology at Brock University to more than 25,000 psychology students. Mitterer was the recipient of the 2003 Brock University Distinguished Teaching Award, a 2003 Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) Teaching Award, a 2004 3M Teaching Fellowship, the 2005 Canadian Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions to Education and Training in Psychology, and the 2010 Brock University Don Ursino Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Large Classes. He also held a three-year Brock Chancellor's Chair for Teaching Excellence from 2006 to 2009. He is co-author, with Dennis Coon, of INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY: GATEWAYS TO MIND AND BEHAVIOR, 13th Edition, and PSYCHOLOGY: A JOURNEY, 5th Edition.
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