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Dr. C's Ultimate Federal Pharmacy Law Review 2022

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From the author of the best-selling pharmacy law resources in Texas and Florida, a federal pharmacy law review that is focused exclusively on the MPJE. Dr. C’s Ultimate Federal Pharmacy Law Review 2022 provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of federal laws and rules covered on the MPJE. Plus, an entire chapter breaks down each of the MPJE Competency Statements in detail explaining what to study under your state law as well as any federal laws on each topic found in other chapters. The book Includes over 150 study tips and 60 practice questions. It includes chapters on the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act, The Poison Prevention Packaging Act, the Federal Controlled Substances Act, and USP 795, 797, and 800. Dr. C’s Review Guides and resources have been used by over 25,000 Candidates in 50 states and 14 countries! This book can be used by MPJE candidates in all states. For candidates in Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania, we recommend Dr. C's state-speciific review guides as each of those contain a review of federal law as well.