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Foundations of the Vocational Rehabilitation Process, Hardcover, 6 Edition by Stanford E. Rubin

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Hardcover: 6 Edition
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Publication Date: 2007-12-01
Publisher: Pro Ed
Hardcover : 603 pages
Edition: 6 Edition
Author: Stanford E. Rubin
ISBN-10: 1416402519
ISBN-13: 9781416402510

Product Description Disabled individuals face numerous limiting prejudices and challenges in mainstream American Society. Fortunately, current disability legislation has improved, mandating: (1) Greater involvement of individuals with severe disabilities, (2) Alternative approaches to vocational placement, (3) Provision of independent living services, (4) Expansion of rehabilitation/habilitation services for those individuals with developmental disabilities (5) Protection of the civil rights of people with disabilities and the removal of environmental barriers. Packed with 16 chapters of comprehensive and empowering information, this book presents theoretical and practical assistance in translating those mandates into positive action. It is this dual process of individual and environmental proactivity that can maximize the rehabilitation of disabled individuals. This book is not only for the dedicated rehabilitation counselor, but also for students attending an introductory course at the master s- or senior-level and in-service directors who design informative training programs. Includes more than 1200 references, 350 of which are new. About the Author Stanford E. Rubin, professor emeritus, was a professor and coordinator of the Doctor of Rehabilitation Program at the Rehabilitation Institute at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale from 1980 to 2005. Previously, he worked as a senior research scientist at the Arkansas Rehabilitation Research and Training Center and as a counselor at Wright State University. Dr. Rubin has worked in the fi eld of rehabilitation for the past 38 years and has over 100 professional publications. In addition to Foundations of the Vocational Rehabilitation Process, Dr. Rubin has coauthored Case Management and Rehabilitation Counseling (Roessler & Rubin, 1982, 1992, 1998, 2006) and Facilitative Management in Rehabilitation Counseling: A Casebook (Bozarth & Rubin, 1972), as well as coedited Contemporary Challenges to the Rehabilitation Counseling Profession (Rubin & Rubin, 1988). He has also authored several widely used, comprehensive in-service training packages for practicing rehabilitation counselors. Dr. Rubin has served as the president of the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (1982 1983), as a commissioner on the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certifi cation (1980 1986), as a board member of the Foundation for Rehabilitation Education and Research (1995 2000), as the editor of two special issues of professional journals, and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling and Rehabilitation Education. Richard T. Roessler is a university professor in the Rehabilitation, Human Resources, and Communication Disorders Department in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas. He has served as a senior research scientist at the Arkansas Research and Training Center in Vocational Rehabilitation and as coordinator of the rehabilitation education program. He has authored or coauthored over 150 journal articles, book chapters, and monographs, as well as four textbooks. Foundations of the Vocational Rehabilitation Process and Case Management and Rehabilitation Counseling (4th ed.) are widely used in graduate education. He coauthored the fi rst two Richard J. Baker Memorial Monographs published by the Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Association.

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