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HR (Book Only), Paperback, 4 Edition by DeNisi, Angelo (Used)

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Paperback: 4 Edition
Used: Very Good

Publication Date: 2017-02-03
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Paperback Edition: 4 Edition
Author: DeNisi, Angelo
ISBN-10: 1337116394
ISBN-13: 9781337116398

About the Author Dr. Angelo DeNisi is Albert Cohen Chair in Business Administration and Dean of the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University. After receiving his Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Purdue University, Dr. DeNisi taught at Kent State University, the University of South Carolina, Rutgers University and Texas A&M University before joining the faculty at Tulane. His research interests include performance appraisal, expatriate management and work experiences of persons with disabilities. Dr. DeNisi's research has been funded by government and private agencies, including the National Science Foundation, the Textile Manufacturers Institute and the Army Research Institute. His work has been published in top journals in the field. He has also authored or co-authored four books, contributed to other books and has spoken at numerous national and international meetings. Dr. DeNisi has served as president of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and president of the Academy of Management. He has also served as chair of several SIOP committees and as representative to the APA Council. He was the chair of both the OB and HR Divisions of the Academy of Management. His contributions to the profession have been recognized with awards from the Academy of Management and the Academy of Management Executive. The SIOP has named him co-winner of the lifetime Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award. He has served on the editorial boards of AMJ, AMR, JAP, Journal of Management and Journal of Organizational Behavior. He has also served as editor of the Academy of Management Journal. He is a Fellow of SIOP, the American Psychological Association, the Southern Management Association and the Academy of Management. Dr. Ricky W. Griffin is Distinguished Professor of Management and the Blocker Chair in Business in Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Houston in 1978, Dr. Griffin joined the faculty at the University of Missouri for three years before moving to Texas A&M in 1981. His research on task design and dysfunctional work behavior has appeared in the leading professional journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly and Journal of Management. He has served as editor of the Journal of Management and has been program chair and division chair of the Organizational Behavior Division and Program Chair of the Research Methods Division of the Academy, Program Chair and President of the Southwest Academy of Management, and a member of the Board of the Southern Management Association. He is a fellow of both the Academy of Management and the Southern Management Association. Dr. Griffin has taught organizational behavior, human resource management, international management, and research methods at all levels and has won several teaching awards. He is a frequent speaker to executive audiences and is the author of several widely used textbooks. Dr. Griffin was director of the Center for Human Resource Management at Texas A&M and just returned to the faculty at Mays after 11 years of full-time appointments as Management Department Head, Executive Associate Dean and Interim Dean. His current research interests include workplace culture, managerial skills development and decision making during times of crisis.

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