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Trial Advocacy: Assignments & Case Files, Second Edition (Aspen Coursebook), Paperback, 2 Edition by Marilyn J. Berger (Used)

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Paperback: 2 Edition
Used: Good

Publication Date: 2011-07-14
Publisher: Aspen Publishers
Paperback : 304 pages
Edition: 2 Edition
Author: Marilyn J. Berger
ISBN-10: 073550735X
ISBN-13: 9780735507357

This book provides 86 role-playing assignments and mock trials in both a criminal homicide and a related civil wrongful death case. Features: Companion volume to Trial Advocacy: Analysis, Planning and Strategy or supplementary material to another trial advocacy text Excellent role-play assignments from the pretrial case theory and theme development stage through closing argument in both criminal and a civil cases Mock civil and criminal trials for trial advocacy courses or professional development seminars Case files, legal memoranda, statutes, case law, jury instructions , witness instructions and exhibits for the role-play assignments and mock trials Checklists of proficiency standards for each trial activity Incisive coverage of ethical boundaries that incorporate the ABA Model Rules Author website for instructors, students and practicing trial lawyers NEW to the Second Edition: Comprehensive instructions and materials for organizing and conducting mock trials Additional evidence assignments Completely updated to reflect changes in technology and law

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