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Beginning Algebra: Connecting Concepts Through Applications, Hardcover, 1 Edition by Clark, Mark (Used)

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Hardcover: 1 Edition
Used: Acceptable

Publication Date: 2011-01-01
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Hardcover : 944 pages
Edition: 1 Edition
Author: Clark, Mark
ISBN-10: 0534419380
ISBN-13: 9780534419387

Product Description BEGINNING ALGEBRA: CONNECTING CONCEPTS THROUGH APPLICATIONS shows students how to apply traditional mathematical skills in real-world contexts. The emphasis on skill building and applications engages students as they master algebraic concepts, problem solving, and communication skills. Students learn how to solve problems generated from realistic applications, instead of learning techniques without conceptual understanding. The authors have developed several key ideas to make concepts real and vivid for students. First, they emphasize strong algebra skills. These skills support the applications and enhance student comprehension. Second, the authors integrate applications, drawing on realistic data to show students why they need to know and how to apply math. The applications help students develop the skills needed to explain the meaning of answers in the context of the application. Third, the authors develop key concepts as students progress through the course. For example, the distributive property is introduced in real numbers, covered when students are learning how to multiply a polynomial by a constant, and finally when students learn how to multiply a polynomial by a monomial. These concepts are reinforced through applications in the text. Last, the authors' approach prepares students for intermediate algebra by including an introduction to material such as functions and interval notation as well as the last chapter that covers linear and quadratic modeling. Review "This book has just the right balance of skill and application problems.It does a good job of helping the students throughout the sectionswithout just giving all the answers away."Kate Bella, Instructor, Manchester Community College "It is easily readable for students, the explanations are clear, and themargin notes are a nice feature that makes the text more reader friendly."Daniel Lopez, Instructor, Brookdale Community College "I love how the text is centered on real-life situations. Students aregiven a great deal of assistance from the margin notes and well-workedexamples."Brianne Lodholtz, Instructor, Grand Rapids Community College "The approaches of Concept Investigations and Concept Connectionscaught my attention right away. I believe they will help studentsunderstand concepts better."Xiaomin Wang, Instructor, Rochester Community and Technical College About the Author Mark Clark graduated from California State University, Long Beach, and holds bachelor's and master's degrees in Mathematics. A full-time associate professor at Palomar College, since 1996, Mark is committed to teaching using applications and technology to help students understand mathematics in context and communicate results clearly. Intermediate algebra is one of his favorite courses to teach and he continues to teach several sections of this course each year. He is co-author of BEGINNING ALGEBRA: CONNECTING CONCEPTS THROUGH APPLICATIONS, INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA: CONNECTING CONCEPTS THROUGH APPLICATIONS, and BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA: CONNECTING CONCEPTS THROUGH APPLICATIONS published by Cengage. Mark shares his passion for using applications to teach mathematical concepts by delivering workshops and talks to other instructors at local and national conferences. Cynthia (Cindy) Anfinson graduated from UCSD's Revelle College in 1985, summa cum laude, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mathematics and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She went to graduate school at Cornell University under the Army Science and Technology Graduate Fellowship. She graduated from Cornell in 1989 with a Master of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics. She is currently an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Palomar College and has been teaching there since 1995. Cindy Anfinson was a finalist in Palomar College's 2002 Distinguished Faculty Award.

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