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Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences, Paperback, 7 Edition by Lilly, J. Robert

$210.00 USD

Paperback: 7 Edition

Publication Date: 2018-11-29
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc
Paperback : 592 pages
Edition: 7 Edition
Author: Lilly, J. Robert
ISBN-10: 1506387306
ISBN-13: 9781506387307

Product Description Updated Edition of a Best-Seller!  Offering a rich introduction to how scholars analyze crime, Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences moves readers beyond a commonsense knowledge of crime to a deeper understanding of the importance of theory in shaping crime control policies. The Seventh Edition of the authors’ clear, accessible, and thoroughly revised text covers traditional and contemporary theory within a larger sociological and historical context. It includes new sources that assess the empirical status of the major theories, as well as updated coverage of crime control policies and their connection to criminological theory. Review "The best organized and most comprehensive theory textbook to use for both graduate and undergraduate students. It provides the historical context to the theories and the authors [and] makes it easier for students to relate theory to reality." -- Mirlinda Ndrecka, Ph.D. "This book is comprehensive, well-organized, and insightful." -- John A. Humphrey "This text is a comprehensive discussion of criminological theories from the beginning of criminology to the present." -- Scott A. Pray About the Author J. Robert Lilly is Regents Professor of Sociology/Criminology and Adjunct Professor of Law at Northern Kentucky University. His research interests include the pattern of capital crimes committed by U.S. soldiers during World War II, the “commercial–corrections complex,” juvenile delinquency, house arrest and electronic monitoring, criminal justice in the People’s Republic of China, the sociology of law, and criminological theory. He has published in Criminology, the British Journal of Criminology, Crime and Delinquency, Social Problems, Legal Studies Forum, Northern Kentucky Law Review, Journal of Drug Issues, The New Scholar, Adolescence, Qualitative Sociology, Federal Probation, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Justice Quarterly, and The Howard Journa of Criminal Justice. He has coauthored several articles and book chapters with Richard A. Ball, and he is coauthor of House Arrest and Correctional Policy: Doing Time at Home (1988). In 2003, he published La Face Cachée des GI’s: Les Viols commis par des soldats amércains en France, en Angleterre et en Allemange pendat la Second Guerre mondial, 1942–1945. It was translated into Italian and published (2004) as Stuppi Di Guerra: Le Violenze Commesse Dai Soldati Americani in Gran Bretagna, Francia e Germania 1942–1945. It was published in English in 2007 as Taken by Force: Rape and American GIs in Europe During World War II. The latter work is part of his extensive research on patterns of crimes and punishments experienced by U.S. soldiers in WWII in the European theater of war. The Hidden Face of the Liberators, a made-for-TV documentary by Program 33 (Paris), was broadcast in Switzerland and France in March 2006 and was a finalist at the International Television Festival of Monte Carlo in 2007. He is the past treasurer of the American Society of Criminology. In 1988, he was a visiting professor in the School of Law at Leicester Polytechnic and was a visiting scholar at All Soul’s College in Oxford, England. In 1992, he became a visiting professor at the University of Durham in England. Between 2006 and 2012, he was coeditor of The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. Francis T. Cullen is Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Associate in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati, where he also holds a joint appointment in sociology. He received a Ph.D. (1979) in sociology and education from Columbia University. Professor Cullen has published over 300 works in the areas of criminological theory, corrections, white-collar crime, public opinion, and the measurement of sexual victimization. He is author of Rethinking Crime and Deviance Theory: The Emergence of a Structuring Tradition and is coauthor of Reaffirming Rehabilitation, Co

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