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Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications (NULL), Paperback, 2 Edition by Adams, Kathrynn A.

$258.00 USD

Paperback: 2 Edition

Publication Date: 2018-03-08
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc
Paperback : 672 pages
Edition: 2 Edition
Author: Adams, Kathrynn A.
ISBN-10: 1506350453
ISBN-13: 9781506350455

Product Description This updated Second Edition of Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications consistently integrates methods and statistics to prepare students for both graduate work and critical analysis of research as professionals and informed citizens. Maintaining the conversational writing style, multiple examples, and hands-on applications of key concepts that made the first edition so accessible, Kathrynn A. Adams and Eva K. Lawrence enhance the new edition with additional coverage of online data collection, inferential statistics, and regression and ANOVA, as well as a wide range of diverse examples. In every chapter, the authors develop and apply research topics and examples from the current research literature across all aspects of the research process. New to this Edition New diverse examples from current research literature in criminal justice, politics, education, and counseling expose students to different research designs in the social sciences and demonstrate commonalities.  New chapter-ending The Big Picture sections with appropriate charts and tables encourage students to consider decisions about specific statistical analyses. Two separate chapters (Inferential Statistics and Comparing Your Sample to a Known or Expected Score) now allow instructors to focus on the theoretical concepts associated with inferential statistics before introducing each specific inferential statistic to enhance student understanding. Expanded coverage of inferential statistics includes more discussion of APA guidelines for appropriate statistics and more focus on effect sizes and confidence intervals. New consistent headings make it easy for students to quickly locate information and for instructors to identify sections they may wish to focus on, skip, or present in a different order. Review "The authors have constructed a manuscript that utilizes real life research questions and takes the reader through a detailed process of how a researcher would construct a study to answer the question, select the appropriate statistics to answer the question, and disseminate the results in how to write up the results/discussion." -- Charles Fountaine "It outlines the bare necessities of research. It’s not full of definitions, it more so teaches students about the application of materials. The book comes across as task-oriented." -- Derrick Bryan "In our sections of research methods & statistics, students are asked to buy two books (methods + stats). I appreciate that this textbook is able to unite the two domains in such a clear way. This book really stands out as a detailed "field manual" for psychological research, and it′s the kind of book that students might be more likely to hang on to for future reference. The integration of SPSS & APA style conventions throughout was nice to see. Also nice to see effect sizes and power analysis show up so students don′t have a simple view of null hypothesis statistical tests." -- Ben Denkinger "I like the combination of the methods and stats. I believe that this book would be beneficial for an advanced research methods/stats class at the undergraduate level. I like that the book provides adequate coverage to case studies and single case research design." -- Erin Fekete "Some good thorough discussion of aspects of each kind of research and statistical approach. Workbook pretty thorough." -- Kevin E. Lawson "The simplicity and relevance of the supplemental materials built in to illustrate the concepts are the key strengths of this text." -- Malaika Brown About the Author Kathrynn (Kathy) A. Adams earned her PhD in general experimental psychology from the University of Alabama in 1977. She is a Charles A. Dana professor of psychology at Guilford College, where she has taught since 1980. Her professional interests include gender issues, relationships, and teaching pedagogy. She has worked with the Preparing Future Faculty Program since the mid-1990s and helped establish the Early Co

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