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Keyboarding Pro 6, Student License (with User Guide and CD-ROM), CD-ROM, 6 Edition by VanHuss, Susie (Used)

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CD-ROM: 6 Edition
Used: Very Good

Publication Date: 2011-01-03
Publisher: South-Western Educational Pub
CD-ROM Edition: 6 Edition
Author: VanHuss, Susie
ISBN-10: 0840053320
ISBN-13: 9780840053329

Product Description KEYBOARDING PRO 6 combines new-key learning and skill building to help users master the proper methods for keyboarding quickly and accurately. An exciting resource for any beginning keyboarder, KEYBOARDING PRO 6 builds skills, increases confidence, and keeps users motivated to learn the essentials of keyboarding. Interactive videos and 3-D animations review proper hand and finger positions, while games and drills provide a fun and exciting way to master the keyboard. Review "I am very satisfied with the proposed new text. The scope and sequence of lessons are appropriate and logical. The additional software is a plus. The WebReporting is very valuable." - Martha Harpole, Hinds Community College "I really love the books. They are easy to read, easy to teach from. Course content can be increased or decreased depending on student ability."- Kay Holcomb, Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell About the Author Dr. Susie H. VanHuss received her B.S. degree from the University of Southwestern Louisiana and her MBA and Ph.D. degrees from Indiana University. Her teaching specialties include business communications, administrative systems, and personnel management. Her work, published by Cengage Learning, includes textbooks in communications, keyboarding and word processing, and office technology. She has written numerous journal articles and has served on the editorial review boards of several leading business education journals. Dr. Connie M. Forde is a full professor in the Department of Instructional Systems, Leadership, and Workforce Development at Mississippi State University where she teaches and advises in the technology teacher education and information technology services degree programs and the master's and doctoral programs in technology. She has served as co-author on the College Keyboarding team for several editions as well as co-authored a number of word processing and integrated applications simulations. Dr. Forde is a recognized speaker and contributor to the professional literature. Additionally, she has served as president of both the National Business Education Association and the Southern Business Education Association. Dr. Donna L. Woo is an Instructor and Department Coordinator for Information Systems/Office Automation for Cypress College and Associate Director of Education at Pacific College. She received her B.A. and M.A. in Business Education at Michigan State University and has her Ed.D. from Nova University. Donna is a Kellogg Fellow, a member of Phi Kappa Phi, and Delta Pi Epsilon. Her industry experience includes working for IBM and General Motors. She authored several word processing textbooks and has worked on several editions of College Keyboarding.

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