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Practical Imaging Informatics: Foundations and Applications for PACS Professionals, Paperback, 2010 Edition by Barton F. Branstetter IV

$198.00 USD

Paperback: 2010 Edition

Publication Date: 2009-10-13
Publisher: Springer New York
Paperback : 474 pages
Edition: 2010 Edition
Author: Barton F. Branstetter IV
ISBN-10: 1441904832
ISBN-13: 9781441904836

Product Description Attention SIIM Members: a special discount is available to you; please log in to the SIIM website at or call the SIIM office at 703-723-0432 for information on how you can receive the SIIM member price. Imaging Informatics Professionals (IIPs) have come to play an indispensable role in modern medicine, and the scope of this profession has grown far beyond the boundaries of the PACS. A successful IIP must not only understand the PACS itself, but also have knowledge of clinical workflow, a base in several medical specialties, and a solid IT capability regarding software interactions and networking. With the introduction of a certification test for the IIP position, a single source was needed to explain the fundamentals of imaging informatics and to demonstrate how those fundamentals are applied in everyday practice. Practical Imaging Informatics describes the foundations of information technology and clinical image management, details typical daily operations, and discusses rarer complications and issues. Review Aus den Rezensionen: “Barton F. Braustetter gelingt mit diesem Buch der Spagat zwischen einem praktischen Nachschlagewerk einerseits und einem ansprechenden und nützlichen Lehrbuch andererseits. ... Was das Buch ... so wertvoll macht, ist nicht nur der Inhalt, sondern auch die besondere Art und Weise der Darstellung ... Wichtige Informationen wie ... Definitionen oder Checklisten sind als farbig hinterlegte Kästen nicht zu übersehen. Am Ende jedes Kapitels findet sich zudem ein Fragebogen, mit dem der Leser seinen aktuellen Wissensstand überprüfen kann. Dadurch wird das Werk ... als Lehrbuch gerecht.“ (Lang, in: E-Health-Com, February/2010, Issue 1, S. 70) From the Back Cover Attention SIIM Members: a special discount is available to you; please log in to the SIIM website at or call the SIIM office at 703-723-0432 for information on how you can receive the SIIM member price. Imaging Informatics Professionals (IIPs) have come to play an indispensable role in modern medicine, and the scope of this profession has grown far beyond the boundaries of the PACS. A successful IIP must not only understand the PACS itself, but also have knowledge of clinical workflow, a base in several medical specialties, and a solid IT capability regarding software interactions and networking. With the introduction of a certification test for the IIP position, a single source was needed to explain the fundamentals of imaging informatics and to demonstrate how those fundamentals are applied in everyday practice.   describes the foundations of information technology and clinical image management, details typical daily operations, and discusses rarer complications and issues.

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