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Election Law: Cases and Materials, Hardcover, Sixth Edition by Daniel Hays Lowenstein


Hardcover: Sixth Edition

Publication Date: 2017-07-19
Publisher: Carolina Academic Press
Hardcover : 1250 pages
Edition: Sixth Edition
Author: Daniel Hays Lowenstein
ISBN-10: 1531004725
ISBN-13: 9781531004729

Product Description The new student-friendly Sixth Edition of Election Law: Cases and Materials fully covers developments in election law through the 2016 election season, including extensive coverage campaign finance cases in the Citizens United era; emerging issues in voting rights and redistricting, including recent partisan and racial gerrymandering challenges; and challenges to new voter identification laws and other voting restrictions. It will continue to include perspectives from law and political science, and is appropriate in both law and political science courses. The extensive campaign finance coverage makes the book appropriate for a campaign finance seminar as well. About the Author Daniel Hays Lowenstein is a Professor of Law Emeritus at UCLA School of Law. Richard Hasen is a Professor of the UC Irvine School of Law. Daniel Tokaji is a Professor of Law at the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and the Associate Director of Election Law at Moritz. Nicholas Stephanopoulos is a professor at University of Chicago Law School.

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