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Business Organizations (Aspen Casebook), Hardcover by William K. Sjostrom, Jr. (Used)

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Publication Date: 2013-02-13
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Hardcover : 900 pages
Author: William K. Sjostrom, Jr.
ISBN-10: 145480291X
ISBN-13: 9781454802914

The author has drawn on his vast corporate law experience in selecting Business Organizations content and topic depth, covering what every budding corporate lawyer should know. Loaded with actual provisions from various documents corporate lawyers draft and review, the text shows how the legal concepts are written in the real world. Students gain a sense for what corporate lawyers do in practice. This is the only business organizations book on the market that allows students to work with complete transactional documents such as limited liability partnership agreements, LLC operating agreements, certificates of designation, warrant agreements, and shareholders agreements. Numerous exercises require students to apply what they ve learned from the readings. The exercises help students analyze and apply contractual language in light of statutory provisions and case law encountered in a variety of situations. Designed to reinforce the material, the exercises are most useful in helping students develop the planning and problem-solving skills of a corporate lawyer, allowing them to work with documents and issues at the heart of a transactional practice. With more narrative and fewer cases, the author covers many legal concepts through concise explanations instead of judicial opinions. This keeps the book a manageable size while providing more depth in areas central to a corporate law practice. Unlike most casebooks, Business Organizations integrates note material into the text, enhancing readability by giving the book a better flow. Features: content seen through lens of corporate lawyer based on author s vast experience covers business organizations law every budding corporate lawyer should know emphasis on real-world provisions loaded with actual documents corporate lawyers draft and review students see how legal concepts are written in practice only book that allows students to work with complete transactional documents limited liability partnership agreements LLC operating agreements certificates of designation warrant agreements shareholders agreements teaches through numerous exercises that apply concepts to practice analyze and apply contractual language in light of statutory provisions and case law encountered in a variety of situations designed to reinforce material and help students develop planning and problem-solving skills expose students to the documents and issues at the heart of a transactional practice more narrative, fewer cases covers many legal concepts through explanations rather than judicial opinions manageable size straightforward questions after each case allow students to zero in on key aspects notes integrated into the text, enhances readability through better flow

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