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American Constitutional Law: Structure and Reconstruction, Cases, Notes, and Problems (American Casebook Series), Hardcover, 6 Edition by Shanor, Charles

$300.00 USD

Hardcover: 6 Edition

Publication Date: 2016-11-15
Publisher: West Academic Publishing
Hardcover : 863 pages
Edition: 6 Edition
Author: Shanor, Charles
ISBN-10: 1683280717
ISBN-13: 9781683280712

This law school casebook is concise, rigorous, and yet accessible to students. It contains approximately 100 primary cases, including a greater proportion of recent Supreme Court decisions than other casebooks. The notes provide context, and realistic problems facilitate application of constitutional law principles and cases. Covering structural constitutional law (judicial power, distribution of powers, Congress’ powers, federalism, and judicial protection of interstate commerce) and the reach of the Fourteenth Amendment (citizenship, privileges and immunities, due process, equal protection, and state action), this casebook incorporates entertaining elements and references contemporary controversies. Tight editing to make this edition even shorter than the last edition despite the incorporation of nearly 10% new materials, including the same-sex marriage decisions, the latest race discrimination decisions, and new cases involving limitations on Congress’ powers make this popular casebook even better than the last.

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