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Arrest, Search, and Investigation in North Carolina, Paperback, Fifth Edition, 2016 Edition by Farb, Robert L.

$219.00 USD

Paperback: Fifth Edition, 2016 Edition

Publication Date: 2016-12-05
Publisher: UNC School of Government
Paperback : 800 pages
Edition: Fifth Edition, 2016 Edition
Author: Farb, Robert L.
ISBN-10: 1560118598
ISBN-13: 9781560118596

Product Description This book covers the legal rules that govern an officer's authority to enforce laws and to investigate criminal offenses. It also covers the basic rules of evidence in criminal cases. Supplementary material is placed in footnotes at the bottom of the text, and relevant case summary sections are located at the end of each chapter (for chapters 2-5). Footnotes to the text and case summary sections include appellate cases and statutory references to assist in researching particular issues.The book is current with case law through June 2016 and statutory law through the 2016 legislative session. It contains a subject index and a case index. The fifth edition replaces all prior editions and supplements.A free download of the table of contents and preface are available (!/details). About the Author Robert L. Farb is a retired professor of public law and government, with a long history at the School of Government. He continues as an adjunct professor of public law and government to work on occasional special projects in criminal law and procedure, a field in which he is widely published.

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