Bioethics Across the Life Span, Paperback, 1 Edition by Coors, Dr. Marilyn E.
Paperback: 1 Edition
Brand New
Publication Date: 2015-11-01
Paperback : 174 pages
Edition: 1 Edition
Author: Coors, Dr. Marilyn E.
ISBN-10: 0935372679
ISBN-13: 9780935372670
Product Description Written for a lay audience, this volume contains essays on general bioethics, reproductive technologies, rape protocols, vaccines, organ transplantation, stem cells, genetic counseling, genetic engineering, and critical end-of-life issues. The authors are leading Catholic bioethicists Erica Laethem, John Haas, Edward Furton, Marilyn Coors, and Archbishop José Gomez. Suitable for classroom use. Includes an easy-reference glossary. Review “Dr. Coors has produced a splendid volume that will be of tremendous assistance to those who study Catholic bioethics. The work surveys key moral problems that face parents, spouses, and those who care for their loved ones and must sometimes make difficult and even heart-wrenching decisions. A wide range of authors provide their unique expertise to all who wish to think deeply, deliberate carefully, and choose wisely on these critically important life issues.” Charles Chaput, OFM Cap, Archbishop of Philadelphia “Whether a person is a professional bioethicist, a member of a hospital ethics committee, a pastor or counselor, a colleague, a family member, or a friend helping others make bioethical decisions, the work of bioethics can and should be a service of charity, an act of love, where the authentic good of others is the goal.” Erica Laethem, from Chapter 1
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