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Brown v. Byrd: Second Edition Case File (NITA), Paperback, 2 Edition by Rothschild

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Paperback: 2 Edition
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Publication Date: 2013-11-13
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
Paperback : 106 pages
Edition: 2 Edition
Author: Rothschild
ISBN-10: 1601562209
ISBN-13: 9781601562203

Kenneth Brown claims he can't engage in any strenuous exercise and that a muscle relaxant his doctor prescribes does not allow him to drink any alcohol. Both of these inconveniences, Brown is convinced, is a result of being rear-ended by the defendant, Robert Byrd, and Brown is suing to recover damages for neck, back, and closed-head injuries. However, Brown has been observed exercising and drinking alcohol. Byrd maintains that the collision was in no way serious enough to cause Brown's alleged injuries. There are two witnesses for both the plaintiff and the defendant in this personal injury case file.

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