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Calculus:Early...-Webassign Access

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WebAssign Allows You to Learn at Your Own Pace!

It’s not about homework … it’s about learning.

Forget everything you thought about completing math or science assignments.

WebAssign is not about memorizing formulas. It’s about achieving success and gaining a deep understanding of math and science.

You get coached.

WebAssign breaks down math and science problems into small, achievable steps. Using built-in tools, you get the help you need – even when you are stuck.

Because your instructor tailors WebAssign to the course goals, every reading, video, exercise and quiz is there to prepare you for finals. No more exam 'surprises!'

You get instant feedback.

A system of “bonus” and “penalty” points identifies the areas you need to work on. And you’re never marked down for entering a differently formatted correct answer.

WebAssign has everything you need.

Learning at your own pace, instant grades online, tutorials, videos and practice problems. WebAssign helps you learn math and science, not just do homework.