Cases in Health Services Management, Fifth Edition, Paperback, 5 Edition by Rakich Ph.D., Jonathon (Used)
Paperback: 5 Edition
Used: Acceptable
Publication Date: 2010-04-12
Paperback : 464 pages
Edition: 5 Edition
Author: Rakich Ph.D., Jonathon
ISBN-10: 1932529594
ISBN-13: 9781932529593
Product Description Health services management students need more preparation than ever to solve the problems they will confront in the increasingly complex health services environment. Cases in Health Services Management, Fifth Edition, presents 28 challenging cases (10 new to this edition) that address pivotal issues students will encounter as administrators and managers: quality improvement, strategic planning, ethical dilemmas, organizational dynamics, cost–benefit analyses, resource utilization, and more. Students can hone their management acumen with real-life case examples like these: When an advance in medical technology significantly improves the outcomes of a common procedure but triples its cost, can the needs of patients, hospitals, and insurers be reconciled? After a collapse in leadership in the face of unrest among internal staff and external service providers, can a new hospital administrator implement a culture change to introduce greater transparency and a self-management learning style? A hospital merger requires consolidation of duplicated services and careful scrutiny of a premier burn center whose continuation or closure has financial, community, and organizational ramifications. Deciding whether to remove an entrenched founder and CEO from a national 400-facility, multi-level long-term care health system that is in a downward financial spiral poses significant challenges to its board of directors. Providing an exceptional framework for decision making and debate, Cases in Health Services Management is an outstanding casebook for capstone and issues courses and a valuable supplement for health services courses in organization and management, strategic planning, finance, and marketing. Instructor's Manual for Cases in Health Services Management, Fifth Edition Penetrating case analyses and outcome descriptions will help instructors guide students to understanding the issues central to each case. This CD-ROM is available at no charge with adoption of the text. Review Cases in health services management, 5th ed. Ed. by Jonathon S. Rakich et al. Health Professions Press, ©2010 422 p. $59.95 RA971 978-1-932529-59-3 Intended for graduate students preparing to become managers or administrators in health service organizations, this volume helps hone their problem-solving skills by working through details of real-world cases. Providing a framework for decision-making and debate, 28 chapters discuss issues relating to public policy, strategic management, the medical staff, administration and governance, resource utilization, and organizational dynamics. There is no index. The fifth edition adds ten cases on the cost of drug-eluting stents, flu vaccine shortages, Santorini Hospital, and ethics. (Annotation ©2010 Book News Inc. Portland, OR) ( Book News, Inc. 2010-06-09) About the Author Dr. Rakich received his master of business administration from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and his doctorate from Saint Louis University. His university instructional areas are strategic management and health services administration. During his 36 year teaching career, Dr. Rakich has coauthored 3 books in 12 editions, 40 journal articles (including those in Health Care Financing Review, Health Care Management Review, Hospital & Health Services Administration, Journal of Health & Society Policy, and Hospital Topics), and 35 conference proceedings and professional papers. Professor Rakich has been awarded a postdoctoral federal faculty fellowship with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and has served on the board of trustees of a home health agency and health systems agency. During academic sabbaticals, he served an administrative residency at Summa Health System and conducted on-site research of the Canadian health care system. Professor Rakich is a member of the Academy of Management, the Association for Health Services Research, and the Decision Sciences Institute. He holds personal membership in th
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