Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Conditions: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management, Paperback, 4 Edition by Kummer, Ann W. (Used)
Paperback: 4 Edition
Used: Good
Publication Date: 2018-09-14
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Paperback : 630 pages
Edition: 4 Edition
Author: Kummer, Ann W.
ISBN-10: 1284149102
ISBN-13: 9781284149104
Product Description Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Conditions: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management, Fourth Edition is ideal for the graduate course on cleft palate and craniofacial conditions, or as a source book for healthcare professionals who provide services in this area. Updated with full color illustrations and photos, the Fourth Edition of this bestselling title has been reorganized to improve clarity and flow, with new references and information reflecting the most current research in the field. Key features such as Case Studies help the learner understand how to apply key information in a clinical setting, while Speech Notes highlight how anomalies and surgeries affect speech and resonance. As the most comprehensive text in the market, Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Conditions answers the questions of ‘when,’ ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and most importantly ‘how’ when ensuring evaluation results in an accurate diagnosis. Because the author is both an experienced clinician and instructor, this textbook goes beyond the classroom, serving as a very practical “how-to” guide as well as a source of didactic and theoretical information. KEY FEATURES New full-color design includes 689 photos and illustrations A complete Glossary of over 650 defined terms Information is summarized in tables for easy learning, including tables of terms for normal and abnormal craniofacial, oral, dental, and pharyngeal structures and anomalies A robust pedagogy includes Chapter Outlines, illustrations, Case Studies, Speech Notes, definitions, and Discussion Questions 295 Clinical Videos illustrate speech samples, evaluation techniques, videofluoroscopy, nasopharyngoscopy, nasometry, and speech therapy techniques, more than any other text in the field! New full-color design includes 689 photos and illustrations A complete Glossary of over 650 defined terms Information is summarized in tables for easy learning, including tables of terms for normal and abnormal craniofacial, oral, dental, and pharyngeal structures and anomalies A robust pedagogy includes Chapter Outlines, illustrations, Case Studies, Speech Notes, definitions, and Discussion Questions 295 Clinical Videos illustrate speech samples, evaluation techniques, videofluoroscopy, nasopharyngoscopy, nasometry, and speech therapy techniques, more than any other text in the field! About the Author Ann W. Kummer, PhD, CCC-SLP, FASHA Ann W. Kummer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP retired as Senior Director of the Division of Speech-Language Pathology at Cincinnati Children’s in September 2017. Under her direction, the speech-language pathology program at Cincinnati Children’s became the largest pediatric program in the nation and one of the most respected. Dr. Kummer remains clinically and academically active as Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Professor of Otolaryngology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and has several other adjunct positions. Dr. Kummer has done hundreds of national and international lectures and seminars in the areas of cleft palate and craniofacial anomalies, resonance disorders, velopharyngeal dysfunction, and business practices in speech-language pathology. She has written numerous professional articles and 23 book chapters in speech pathology and medical texts. She is one of the authors of the text entitled Business Practices: A Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists (ASHA, 2004) and the author of the book entitled Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Conditions: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management, 4th Edition (Jones & Bartlett Learning). She has taught a graduate course in cleft palate and craniofacial conditions at five universities. Her recorded lectures are included in the online site for her textbook. Dr. Kummer is the co-developer of the Simplified Nasometric Assessment Procedures (SNAP) test (1996) and author of the SNAP-R (2005) which is incorporated in the Nasometer software (PENTAX Medical). She holds a patent on the nasoscope, which is marketed as the
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