From the Publisher

Helpful Q&A's
Test your knowledge with short-answer, multiple-choice, and essay questions with model answers, all organized by topic.
Understand Exam Questions
Exam Tips summarize the most commonly tested issues and identify the traps and pitfalls to avoid.
Flowcharts Add Meaning
Flowcharts help you craft compelling essays and compare your answers to the samples provided.
Review Key Concepts
Use the featured capsule summaries for review before exams and throughout the semester.
Emanuel CrunchTime
When it’s exam time you need the right information in the right format to study efficiently and effectively. Emanuel CrunchTime is the perfect tool for exam studying. With flowcharts and capsule summaries of major points of law and critical issues, as well as exam tips for identifying common traps and pitfalls, sample exam and essay questions with model answers, you will be prepared for your next big test.
Here's why you will need CrunchTime to help you ace your exams:
Perfect for the visual learner: The flow charts walk you through a series of yes/no questions that can be used to analyze any question on the exam.
Featured capsule summaries help you quickly review key concepts not just before the exam but throughout the semester.
Exams Tips recap the most commonly tested issues and fact patterns.

Helpful Q&A's
Test your knowledge with short-answer, multiple-choice, and essay questions with model answers, all organized by topic.
Understand Exam Questions
Exam Tips summarize the most commonly tested issues and identify the traps and pitfalls to avoid.
Flowcharts Add Meaning
Flowcharts help you craft compelling essays and compare your answers to the samples provided.
Review Key Concepts
Use the featured capsule summaries for review before exams and throughout the semester.
Emanuel CrunchTime
When it’s exam time you need the right information in the right format to study efficiently and effectively. Emanuel CrunchTime is the perfect tool for exam studying. With flowcharts and capsule summaries of major points of law and critical issues, as well as exam tips for identifying common traps and pitfalls, sample exam and essay questions with model answers, you will be prepared for your next big test.
Here's why you will need CrunchTime to help you ace your exams:
Perfect for the visual learner: The flow charts walk you through a series of yes/no questions that can be used to analyze any question on the exam.
Featured capsule summaries help you quickly review key concepts not just before the exam but throughout the semester.
Exams Tips recap the most commonly tested issues and fact patterns.