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Fundamentals of Energy Regulation 2nd. Edition, Hardcover, 2nd. ed. Edition by Jonathan A. Lesser

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Hardcover: 2nd. ed. Edition
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Publication Date: 2013-09-02
Hardcover : 475 pages
Edition: 2nd. ed. Edition
Author: Jonathan A. Lesser
ISBN-10: 0910325332
ISBN-13: 9780910325332

Coverage of emerging economic issues associated with restructured electric energy and capacity markets. Discussions of recent US and international case law affecting the natural gas and electric industries. Examination of cost recovery in a competitive environment, and the prudent investment standard. Managing the transition to market competition. Expanded coverage of electric system reliability issues, including RTO/ISO operations, day-ahead and real-time electric markets, FERC Order 2000, and transmission congestion. Expanded coverage of international energy regulatory issues and government takings, including the importance of regulatory asset accounting. Expanded discussion of natural gas pipeline rate setting methods, market-based rate discounting, pipe-on-pipe competition and the growing importance of shale gas. Updated discussion of renewable energy and environmental issues. Discussion of DoJ's and FERC s new horizontal merger guidelines.

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