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Horus's Horrible Day (First Graders From Mars: Episode #01), Paperback by Corey, Shana (Used)

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Publication Date: 2001-08-01
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Paperback : 32 pages
Author: Corey, Shana
ISBN-10: 0439319552
ISBN-13: 9780439319553

Product Description As the school year begins on Mars, Horus the Martian gets off to a rocky start, but soon discovers that first grade is not really as bad as he thought. From School Library Journal Kindergarten-Grade 2-It's the first day of school on Mars and Horus is off to first grade. He had loved martiangarten with snooze mats, snacks, and the slime table. However, he quickly discovers that first grade is very different and he decides he doesn't like it and he doesn't want to go back. His mother returns her protesting child to school the next day and this time he meets a new student who has the same reaction he had. As Horus begins to reassure her, he forgets about his own doubts and offers to help her through her first day. First grade has become much more inviting for the two new friends. The colorful cartoon drawings complement this comic sci-fi tale with its flying cups, thinking capsules, and waving tentacles. The nonhuman students are done in assorted colors from green to purple, and the teacher, Ms. Vortex, is really a standout with eyes that are literally in the back of her head. These creatures don't just learn the right answers in math-they actually form them with their bodies. An entertaining addition to collections that need more stories about the possible anxieties and excitement of the first day of school. Carol Schene, Taunton Public Schools, MA Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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