Jansen (20th Century Decorators), Hardcover by James Archer Abbott
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Publication Date: 2006-04-01
Hardcover : 324 pages
Author: James Archer Abbott
ISBN-10: 0926494333
ISBN-13: 9780926494336
Product Description JANSEN is the first comprehensive study of Maison Jansen - the most celebrated decorating house of the 20th century. the book documents the evolution of this legendary Paris-based company from family firm to global enterprise. It showcases over 30 of the firm's most alluring commissions, including rooms for the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the Shah and Shahbanou of Iran, and President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy for whom Jansen renovated and redecorated the White House. Over 300 illustrations in color and duotone. Review "A critical addition to every design library A mind-boggling in its profundity of detail from remarkable sources " --VERANDA, May-June 2006 About the Author James Archer Abbott is the Consulting Curator of Decorative Arts for the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts in Maryland.
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