Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Hardcover, 7 Edition by Murrin, John M.
Hardcover: 7 Edition
Brand New
Publication Date: 2015-01-01
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Hardcover : 1008 pages
Edition: 7 Edition
Author: Murrin, John M.
ISBN-10: 1305084136
ISBN-13: 9781305084131
Product Description Understanding the past helps us navigate the present and future. This book teaches readers about American history and exposes them to movies and other forms of popular culture that tell the stories of the nation's past. A highly respected and thoroughly modern approach to U.S. history, LIBERTY, EQUALITY, POWER, Seventh Edition, shows how the United States was transformed, in a relatively short time, from a land inhabited by hunter-gatherer and agricultural Native American societies into the most powerful industrial nation on Earth. This approach helps readers understand the impact of the notions of liberty and equality, which are often associated with the American story, and recognize how dominant and subordinate groups have affected and been affected by the ever-shifting balance of power. Review �The readability of [LIBERTY, EQUALITY, POWER] makes it easy for students to understand sometimes complex ideas. . . . The various [primary source features] provide opportunities to explore different ideas and often provide discussion topics, writing assignments, or extra credit.� �One strong aspect of LIBERTY, EQUALITY, POWER . . . is narrative that tries to balance cultural, economic, political, and social historical interpretations. . . . The text is often regarded as one of the best of its type.� About the Author John M. Murrin studies American colonial and revolutionary history and the early republic. He has edited one multivolume series and five books, including two essay collections--COLONIAL AMERICA: ESSAYS IN POLITICS AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, 6th Edition (2010) and SAINTS AND REVOLUTIONARIES: ESSAYS IN EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY (1984). His own essays cover topics ranging from ethnic tensions, the early history of trial by jury, the emergence of the legal profession, the Salem witch trials, the political culture of the colonies and the new nation as well as the rise of professional baseball and college football in the nineteenth century. He served as president of the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic in 1998 - 1999. Pekka H�m�l�inen is the Rhodes Professor of American History at Oxford University. A specialist in early American, Native American, borderlands and environmental history, he is the author of THE COMANCHE EMPIRE (2008), which won multiple awards, including the Bancroft Prize, the Merle Curti Award, the Norris and Hundley Award, the William P. Clements Prize and the Caughey Western History Association Prize. His writings have appeared in the American Historical Review, the Journal of American History, History and Theory, the William and Mary Quarterly and the Western Historical Quarterly. He is currently working on a project on nomadic empires in world history, which is funded by the European Research Council. His new book, IKT�MI'S PEOPLE: THE LAKOTA AGE IN AMERICA, will be published by Yale University Press in 2019. A specialist in early national social history, Paul E. Johnson is the author of THE EARLY AMERICAN REPUBLIC, 1789 - 1829 (2006); SAM PATCH, THE FAMOUS JUMPER (2003); and A SHOPKEEPER'S MILLENNIUM: SOCIETY AND REVIVALS IN ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, 1815 - 1837, 25th Anniversary Edition (2004). In addition, he is coauthor (with Sean Wilentz) of THE KINGDOM OF MATTHIAS: SEX AND SALVATION IN 19TH-CENTURY AMERICA (1994) and is editor of AFRICAN-AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY: ESSAYS IN HISTORY (1994). He was awarded the Merle Curti Prize of the Organization of American Historians (1980), the Richard P. McCormack Prize of the New Jersey Historical Association (1989), and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities (1985 - 1986), the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation (1995), the Gilder Lehrman Institute (2001) and the National Endowment for the Humanities We the People Fellowship (2006 - 2007). Denver Brunsman writes on the politics and social history of the American Revolution, the early American republic, and the British Atlantic world. His book THE EVIL NECES
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