Loose-leaf Version for The American Promise, Value Edition, Volume 1: A History of the United States, Loose Leaf, Seventh Edition by Roark, James L.
Loose Leaf: Seventh Edition
Brand New
Publication Date: 2016-12-09
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's
Loose Leaf : 544 pages
Edition: Seventh Edition
Author: Roark, James L.
ISBN-10: 1319070108
ISBN-13: 9781319070106
Product Description The American Promise, Value Edition, has long been a favorite with students who value the texts readability, clear chronology, and lively voices of ordinary Americans, all in a portable format. Instructors have long valued the full narrative accompanied by a 2-color map program and the rich instructor resources of the parent text made available at an affordable price. The sixth edition introduces a breakthrough in teaching and learning through the addition of LaunchPad , which combines carefully-curated new assignments and assessments integrated with the full-length parent text e-bookthe same narrative in the Value Edition but with full color art and maps and more features for analysisin its own intuitive course space. The American Promise Value Edition with LaunchPad now provides the best formats for every activitythe print book allows for a seamless reading experience while LaunchPad provides the right space for active learning assignments and dynamic course management tools that measure and analyze student progress. LaunchPad comes with a wealth of primary sources and special critical thinking activities to help students progress toward learning outcomes; LearningCurve, the adaptive learning tool that students love to use to cement their understanding of the text and instructors love to assign to prepare students for class; and a suite of instructor resources from videos to test banks that make teaching simpler and more effective. About the Author James L. Roark (Ph.D., Stanford University) is Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of American History at Emory University. In 1993, he received the Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award, and in 2001 2002 he was Pitt Professor of American Institutions at Cambridge University. He has written Masters without Slaves: Southern Planters in the Civil War and Reconstruction and coauthored Black Masters: A Free Family of Color in the Old South with Michael P. Johnson. Michael P. Johnson (Ph.D., Stanford University) is professor of history at Johns Hopkins University. His publications include Toward a Patriarchal Republic: The Secession of Georgia; Abraham Lincoln, Slavery, and the Civil War: Selected Speeches and Writings; and Reading the American Past: Selected Historical Documents, the documents reader for The American Promise. He has also coedited No Chariot Let Down: Charleston s Free People of Color on the Eve of the Civil War with James L. Roark. Patricia Cline Cohen (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) is professor of history at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she received the Distinguished Teaching Award in 2005 2006. She has written A Calculating People: The Spread of Numeracy in Early America and The Murder of Helen Jewett: The Life and Death of a Prostitute in Nineteenth-Century New York, and she has coauthored The Flash Press: Sporting Male Weeklies in 1840s New York. Sarah Stage (Ph.D., Yale University) has taught U.S. history at Williams College and the University of California, Riverside, and she was visiting professor at Beijing University and Szechuan University. Currently she is professor of Women s Studies at Arizona State University. Her books include Female Complaints: Lydia Pinkham and the Business of Women s Medicine and Rethinking Home Economics: Women and the History of a Profession. Susan M. Hartmann (Ph.D., University of Missouri) is Arts and Humanities Distinguished Professor of History at Ohio State University. In 1995 she won the university's Exemplary Faculty Award in the College of Humanities. Her publications include Truman and the 80th Congress; The Home Front and Beyond: American Women in the 1940s; From Margin to Mainstream: American Women and Politics since 1960; and The Other Feminists: Activists in the Liberal Establishment."
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