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Political Campaign Communication: Principles and Practices (Communication, Media, and Politics), Paperback, Sixth Edition by Trent, Judith S. (Used)

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Paperback: Sixth Edition
Used: Very Good

Publication Date: 2007-08-05
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Paperback : 448 pages
Edition: Sixth Edition
Author: Trent, Judith S.
ISBN-10: 0742553035
ISBN-13: 9780742553033

Product Description Now in its sixth edition, Political Campaign Communication provides a realistic understanding of the strategic and tactical communication choices candidates and their staffs must make as they wage an election campaign. Trent and Friedenberg's classic text has been updated throughout to reflect recent election campaigns, including 2004 and 2006 as well as the early stages of 2008. A new chapter focuses on the use of the Internet. Political Campaign Communication continues to be a classroom favorite—a thoroughly researched, insightful, and reader-friendly text. Review A classic! This superbly researched and well-written text is 'must' reading for students of political communication. The book is organized in an engaging and informative format. There is no shortage of excellent examples and case studies. An excellent text for advanced undergraduate or graduate courses studying political campaigns. (Keith V. Erickson) I have used Political Campaign Communication since it was first published and believe that this sixth edition is the most impressive of all. My students and I find Trent and Friedenberg's chronological approach to understanding political campaigns to be eminently practical and their discussion of the situated discourses of campaigns to be insightful bases for rhetorical-critical analysis. Well-respected political communication theorists, the authors ground this volume firmly in the best, most current scholarly literature. As a result, Political Campaign Communication is simultaneously a superb textbook and an invaluable resource book. Political Campaign Communication offers a wealth of useful examples from national, statewide, and local campaigns, makes communication research on political campaign practices easily accessible, and serves up consistently even-handed assessments of communicative strategies from all points on the political spectrum. The inclusion in this edition of a newchapter on Internet campaigning is a very welcome addition. In it, Trent and Friedenberg discuss types of website content, the political functions of Internet communication, the advantages of e-campaigning, and the future of electronic political activity. (Kahl, Mary L.) The Sixth Edition verifies that Trent and Friedenberg's textbook remains the standard for courses in political communication. (Kurt Ritter) Trent and Friedenberg have updated their classic book on campaign communication with new material on the Internet and recent elections. This has made a terrific book even better. Students will love the clear writing and up-to-date examples. (Darrell M. West) I have used Political Campaign Communication since it was first published and believe that this sixth edition is the most impressive of all. My students and I find Trent and Friedenberg's chronological approach to understanding political campaigns to be eminently practical and their discussion of the situated discourses of campaigns to be insightful bases for rhetorical-critical analysis. Well-respected political communication theorists, the authors ground this volume firmly in the best, most current scholarly literature. As a result, Political Campaign Communication is simultaneously a superb textbook and an invaluable resource book. Political Campaign Communication offers a wealth of useful examples from national, statewide, and local campaigns, makes communication research on political campaign practices easily accessible, and serves up consistently even-handed assessments of communicative strategies from all points on the political spectrum. The inclusion in this edition of a new chapter on Internet campaigning is a very welcome addition. In it, Trent and Friedenberg discuss types of website content, the political functions of Internet communication, the advantages of e-campaigning, and the future of electronic political activity. This book is simply the best, most comprehensive resource available on the subject of political campaign communication.

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