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School Law: Cases and Concepts (10th Edition) (Allyn & Bacon Educational Leadership), Hardcover, 10 Edition by LaMorte, Michael W.

$381.00 USD

Hardcover: 10 Edition

Publication Date: 2011-03-17
Publisher: Pearson
Hardcover : 424 pages
Edition: 10 Edition
Author: LaMorte, Michael W.
ISBN-10: 0137072473
ISBN-13: 9780137072477

Product Description An engaging, case-based approach to the most up-to-date legal topics gives educators a basic understanding of the legal aspects of their work. This text introduces K-12 educators to a body of school law that will help them to conduct themselves in a legally defensible manner. A balance of case law, statutory law, constitutional provisions, and analytical commentary, this vital book covers a wide range of topics including: sources of law under which educators operate; legal restraints to state action in K-12 education; legal rights and restrictions applicable to students and teachers; law pertaining to persons with disabilities; and liability for damages as a result of official action or inaction. In addition, broad legal concepts such as due process, equal protection, freedom of expression, the wall separating church and state, and reasonable search are analyzed to assist professional educators in gaining a better understanding of the legal landscape in which they operate. The entire text is written in a clear, engaging style appropriate for those who do not have extensive legal backgrounds. From the Inside Flap With an emphasis on the case method, this clear and engaging school law text presents select court cases and their legal consequences in a real world context, assisting K-12 educators in making the essential connection between more abstract general principles of law and their operational application in schools. The new tenth edition of School Law: Cases and Concepts is thoroughly updated with the most current court decisions and school law topics of interest, including restrictions on celebratory religious music; Bible distribution; wearing the confederate flag; gay student harassment; student internet message regulation; homeschooling; cyberbullying; parental notification when students refuse to pledge the flag; body piercings; discipline and due process for special education students; drug testing for teachers; lesbian teacher discrimination; maternity leave discrimination; home based charter school; online learning; and most recent school finance decisions. Understanding that some areas of school law remain unsettle while new issues surface every day, the newly revised edition of this text provides students with a number of learning tools and skills necessary for keeping up to date with school law issues, including basic legal terminology, the ability to properly analyze court decisions, and vital legal information research skills. In addition, notes, questions, epilogues, and summarizing material throughout the book also facilitate a better understanding of the law. Hallmark features: A clear, jargon-free writing style facilitates use by teachers, administrators, and other educators who may not have a strong legal background. Updated, edited and verbatim court decisions and references to over 500 applicable court decisions keeps readers abreast of the most current laws and legal topics. Diverse coverage of a range of school law topics, including student freedom of expression, drug testing, dress codes and uniforms, search, Title IX requirements, notification of parents for refusal to participate in Pledge of Allegiance, and school fees. A collection of useful learning tools, such as a guide to using the Internet for legal research, appendices with information on analyzing court decisions, notes and questions following cases, a glossary of legal terms, and an exhaustive index. Historical perspective, when applicable, puts school law into context and makes the evolution of school law clear to readers. From the Back Cover With an emphasis on the case method, this clear and engaging school law text presents select court cases and their legal consequences in a real world context, assisting K-12 educators in making the essential connection between more abstract general principles of law and their operational application in schools. The new tenth edition of School Law: Cases and Concepts is thoroughly

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