Social Work Licensing Bachelors Practice Test: 170-Question Full-Length Exam (3rd Edition) – Includes Interactive Digital Prep for the ASWB Bachelors Exam
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Features ASWB test-taking strategies and in-depth rationales for every question!
The third edition of Dawn Apgar’s bestselling acclaimed
full-length practice test
for the
ASWB Social Work Bachelors Exam
has been thoroughly updated to include additional test-taking strategies and diagnostic tests. Consisting of
170-questions that mirror the ASWB exam
in length, structure, and content, this social work practice test is an indispensable tool for promoting exam success and includes strategies for every question along with in-depth rationales for correct answers, helping readers to discover gaps in their knowledge, identify strengths, and target weak areas. Additional test taking tips, matched with specific direction on the
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs)
for each question, makes this the #1 practice test for the ASWB exam. For the third edition, new assessment tools for diagnosing problems for first-time test takers and for those who are having difficulty passing have been added and
NASW Code of Ethics
content fully reflects the 2018 revision, including standards related to technology.
ExamPrepConnect Features:
All the high-quality content from the book
Personalized study plan based on exam date
Ability to study by topic area to identify strengths and weaknesses
Full 4-hour timed practice test that simulates the test-taking environment
Discussion board to connect with the social work exam-prep community
Games to make studying fun
Key Features:
Authoritative - developed and written by a renowned social work educator who has helped thousands of test takers pass the exam through her workshops and books
Knowledge Gaps - helps test-takers to identify gaps in knowledge and errors in problem-solving with updated rationales
Confidence - mirrors the structure and wording of the actual ASWB exam to provide confidence and familiarity
KSAs - identifies KSAs for each question so test-takers can easily locate relevant source material for further study
Complete Learning Package - purchase of print edition includes digital access to fully interactive Q&A to help identify strengths and weaknesses
Digital access - Content available digitally via ExamPrepConnect for study on the go
Distinct - questions are distinct from those in the author’s Social Work Licensing Bachelors Exam: A Comprehensive Study Guide 3e
Complementary - can be used on its own or in conjunction with Social Work Licensing Bachelors Exam: A Comprehensive Study Guide 3e
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
The third edition of Dawn Apgar’s bestselling acclaimed
full-length practice test
for the
ASWB Social Work Bachelors Exam
has been thoroughly updated to include additional test-taking strategies and diagnostic tests. Consisting of
170-questions that mirror the ASWB exam
in length, structure, and content, this social work practice test is an indispensable tool for promoting exam success and includes strategies for every question along with in-depth rationales for correct answers, helping readers to discover gaps in their knowledge, identify strengths, and target weak areas. Additional test taking tips, matched with specific direction on the
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs)
for each question, makes this the #1 practice test for the ASWB exam. For the third edition, new assessment tools for diagnosing problems for first-time test takers and for those who are having difficulty passing have been added and
NASW Code of Ethics
content fully reflects the 2018 revision, including standards related to technology.
ExamPrepConnect Features:
All the high-quality content from the book
Personalized study plan based on exam date
Ability to study by topic area to identify strengths and weaknesses
Full 4-hour timed practice test that simulates the test-taking environment
Discussion board to connect with the social work exam-prep community
Games to make studying fun
Key Features:
Authoritative - developed and written by a renowned social work educator who has helped thousands of test takers pass the exam through her workshops and books
Knowledge Gaps - helps test-takers to identify gaps in knowledge and errors in problem-solving with updated rationales
Confidence - mirrors the structure and wording of the actual ASWB exam to provide confidence and familiarity
KSAs - identifies KSAs for each question so test-takers can easily locate relevant source material for further study
Complete Learning Package - purchase of print edition includes digital access to fully interactive Q&A to help identify strengths and weaknesses
Digital access - Content available digitally via ExamPrepConnect for study on the go
Distinct - questions are distinct from those in the author’s Social Work Licensing Bachelors Exam: A Comprehensive Study Guide 3e
Complementary - can be used on its own or in conjunction with Social Work Licensing Bachelors Exam: A Comprehensive Study Guide 3e
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company