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Tenth Legion, Hardcover, 6 Edition by Kelly, Tom (Used)

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Hardcover: 6 Edition
Used: Like New

Publication Date: 1973-10-01
Hardcover : 119 pages
Edition: 6 Edition
Author: Kelly, Tom
ISBN-10: 0318399717
ISBN-13: 9780318399713

Tenth Legion has long been considered the greatest - and most hilarious - book on turkey hunting. Yet until now it was only available in a privately published edition. Many people who hunt turkeys do so with an attention to detail, a regard for strategy, tactics, and operations, and a disregard for personal comfort and convenience that ranks second only to war. As for all cultists, it never occurs to them that they may be anachronisms. Supremely unconscious of the rest of the world, blind and deaf to logic and reason, they walk along their different roads in step to the music of their different drums. Tenth Legion - Tom Kelly's first and most famous book - lets you hear, just one time and however faintly, what so many other hear with clarity and purpose all their lives: the dim and distant music of that other drum. (6 1/4 X 9 1/4, 132 pages)

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