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Wills, Trusts, and Estates, Tenth Edition [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook), Hardcover, 10 Edition by Robert H. Sitkoff

$375.00 USD

Hardcover: 10 Edition

Publication Date: 2017-06-19
Publisher: Aspen Publishers
Hardcover : 1072 pages
Edition: 10 Edition
Author: Robert H. Sitkoff
ISBN-10: 1454876425
ISBN-13: 9781454876427

Buy a new version of this Connected Casebook and receive access to the online e-book, practice questions from your favorite study aids, and an outline tool on CasebookConnect, the all in one learning solution for law school students. CasebookConnect offers you what you need most to be successful in your law school classes – portability, meaningful feedback, and greater efficiency. Hailed as one of the best casebooks in legal education, the text combines interesting cases, thoughtful analysis, notes, images, and a clear organization for an excellent teaching tool. Retaining the late Jesse Dukeminier’s blend of wit, erudition, and playfulness, the Tenth Edition uses cartoons, illustrations, case documents, and photographs to provide visual commentary that augments the wide-ranging cases and other readings. Sidebars on relevant but unique persons, places, and events provide thought-provoking and fascinating context. This casebook is not only fun to read, but fun for professors to teach. New to the Tenth Edition: All new section on electronic or digital wills and the emerging case law that has begun to accept them All new section on trust decanting, now recognized in 25 states, with attention to the breadth of statutory and case law treatments of decanting Reworked coverage of same-sex marriage in light of Obergefell v. Hodges and refreshed treatment of inheritance rights for cohabiting unmarried partners Updated and expanded coverage of wealth and income inequality Refreshed treatment, with updated case law, on undue influence Attention to new case law and statutory developments in will execution and reformation of wills for mistake Revised and clarified coverage of revocable trusts and other nonprobate transfers and the difficult relationship of state wealth transfer law with federal pension law Updated treatment of trust fiduciary law, including new case law and statutory developments on directed trusts, waiver of fiduciary duties, and trust investment law Revised treatment of creditor rights to beneficial interests in trust, with attention to choice-of-law rules and growing statutory recognition of self-settled asset protection trusts CasebookConnect features: ONLINE E-BOOK Law school comes with a lot of reading, so access your enhanced e-book anytime, anywhere to keep up with your coursework. Highlight, take notes in the margins, and search the full text to quickly find coverage of legal topics. PRACTICE QUESTIONS Quiz yourself before class and prep for your exam in the Study Center. Practice questions from Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel Law in a Flash flashcards, and other best-selling study aid series help you study for exams while tracking your strengths and weaknesses to help optimize your study time. OUTLINE TOOL Most professors will tell you that starting your outline early is key to being successful in your law school classes. The Outline Tool automatically populates your notes and highlights from the e-book into an editable format to accelerate your outline creation and increase study time later in the semester.

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